I was in a Facebook group where the questions were asked, “Would you visit a business that doesn’t have COVID restrictions?” I thought about it for a little while before I replied.
I wrote, “Yes I will. I can not choose how other people handle Covid, just how I handle it. I will continue to wear a face-covering to protect others from me (I have been vaccinated). I will still carry and use hand sanitizer. Even when this is all over if I have a cold or something I will practice the same things we are doing now.
But I am not going to stop visiting places just because they are going back to normal. We need to practice being safe with ourselves and stop expecting businesses and the government to do it for us. We got lucky this time, this could have been a whole lot deadlier. More faith in God and science.
A person responded back directly to me, “Daniel H Brewington God had nothing to do with this.”
At first, I was a little taken aback, and I wasn’t going to respond. However, after reading the person’s words over and over the following flowed from my fingers to the keyboard.
“(PERSON X) that is up to you; I think God had a role in this just as in everything in life. Just because you do not believe the same thing as I do does not mean it is wrong; it is just a difference of opinion.
Additionally, if you actually read my message, I said, ” More faith in God and Science,” which my meaning as the author is that we need more faith in both moving forward.
In regards to your comments, “God had nothing to do with this.” I believe God did. There was a whole lot of death that came from COVID, however, there was also a lot of good.
Many families became closer with each other and realized how important time together is. Many people learned new things, many people started new hobbies, and many people started going to church, albeit online they took the first steps.
To me, that is God’s hand working in ways we did not expect. Sometimes the answer is not always being able to go through the front door. Sometimes you have to go in through the roof Luke 5:17-26. God’s plan is much different than ours
🙂 Peace.”