I had a lack of options for getting floor mats for my 2022 Tesla Model X. I searched and found a lot of no-name brands that said they fit the 2022 Model X, and there were a lot of companies that said they made them but were out of stock.
The WeatherTech website said they had only the front mats for the driver and passenger; however, they did not have the rear floormats. I decided to take a chance with WeatherTech, I have had them before in my other cars, and they have not let me down yet.
On a side note, you may have noticed that I am regularly short of breath (breathing funny). I have recently been diagnosed with Eosinophilic asthma (EA) which is a type of severe asthma. I take precautions and always have my inhaler close by. It is challenging but that is for another video.
After waiting 453 days, my day finally came. I was able to take delivery of my 2022 Tesla Model X Long Range (A.K.A Standard?) I took delivery in Loveland, Colorado, where I was told this is the first LR they delivered in our area. Before this, they were delivering only Model X Plaids. I am not a YouTuber; however, I will give it a try and maybe help others who are waiting on their Model X LR. I know the pain of waiting for your estimated delivery date to get close just to have it pushed out further.
Today I was driving up I-70 Westbound. It was about 05:30, and I was driving a van full of cyclists and their
Colorado State Patrol- Durango 2021
bikes to Evergreen, CO., for the Triple Bypass event.
It was my first time driving this particular van with the extended bike rack on the back with five bikes and going up the mountain in the early morning hours, with lots of other vehicles going to the same event.
I was doing the speed limit and indicated to move to the left lane; however, I did not consider the rear bike rack. I checked my mirrors, noticed the vehicle behind me, and I had what I thought was enough space, and moved into the lane. I accelerated and moved into the lane; right after doing this, I saw blue and red lights.
I thought, Woah, they must be after someone in front of me, checked my side mirrors, and moved over to the right lane again. After about 10 seconds, the lights came on again behind me again.
CRAP! Those lights are for me.
I indicated to the right and slowed to pull over as far as I could on the shoulder. I put the van in park, turned on the lights, rolled down both front windows, took off my hat and mask, and placed my hands on the steering wheel.
A Colorado State Patrol officer came up to my window in the dark. He was visibly agitated with me, and I could not understand why. He told me he was behind me when I did my initial lane change, and I almost hit his vehicle. WHAT!?!?! Then I remembered the extended bike rack.
Keeping my hands on the steering wheel, I explained that I was new to this vehicle. I then immediately informed him that I am a concealed carry permit holder, and I have my firearm with me on my right side.
He asked for my license and registration. I told him my wallet was
in my right back pocket (the same side as my gun). He said, ok, move slow and get my wallet.
Moving slowly, I reached for my wallet and pulled out my license and two concealed carry permits. The officer checked my details and gave me a warning, and let me go on my way.
What’s the point of this post, Dan? Simple. I interacted with the police in the dark with my gun, and I am alive to share the experience. I wasn’t shot in my vehicle or yanked from the car, thrown to the ground, and handcuffed.
Was it a little unnerving? Yes, however, I am sure the feeling was mutual. As a black man, I have to do certain things other people do not have to do. I teach my sons the same things; it is a part of life I accept.
Here are some facts, I live in a state with a black population of just 4.16%; I carry a gun every day. Police officers have a dangerous job, and traffic stops are one of the most high-risk duties of an officer.
Mix that with half the country saying defund the police and that police are out to kill black men; this is why I felt I had to share my experience.
Give Respect, Get Respect.
I didn’t catch the officer’s name but thank you to him and the @ColoradoStatePatrol.
I was thinking last night how irresponsible I have been with money. I love having the latest tech, I love spoiling my family, I love being able to give to my church and other charities every month. I love being able to travel.
I have not focused on retirement like many of my friends. Yeah, I have a little something set aside, but nothing like I hear my friends talking about their retirement and pensions. I feel like a 53-year-old kid when I hear them talk about their long-term retirement plans. Long-term wha wha what? I could save for tomorrow and travel when I am old, however, the one thing I hear from a lot of older people when I am on my travels is, “I wish I traveled more when I was younger.” That is so true. To me, I want to live now.
My wife reinforces this by always telling me she wants ‘experiences’ over ‘things.’ I did not understand this point when we met 20 years ago. I get it now. She wants to go and do and see things in the world, she wants me and the kids to go and EXPERIENCE THE WORLD!
Maui May 2021
I have to say she is ABSOLUTELY correct. In the beginning, I took it for granted, I mean I traveled all over the world for 24 years of my life, not realizing how important it has been in my life to experience different cultures, different people, different ways of life. We travel with our kids whenever possible so they can experience the world firsthand and see past our front yard.
Traveling is expensive as I am sure many people can attest to. So is it worth spending money on travel experiences now instead of putting more into a retirement fund and waiting till I am old and retired to travel? Would I even make it to retirement?
In my humble opinion retirement planning is nothing more than BIG business in the United States. These companies are getting rich off the backs of people racing to the retirement endzone. “You have to save for tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. When you get to tomorrow what will you do? Pay for these HUGE medical bills they say you will have? These companies are making big bucks off everyone’s retirement bucks and promising sun fun and travel when you are in your 70’s
FunFact: Did you know retirement itself increases your risk of depression by 40%(Harvard Business Review). The U.S. can not afford social security which right now doesn’t pay nearly enough for our longer-living society.
Is a 401k really safe? You tell me how many people freak out when the markets crash? You don’t control a 401k and you have limited investment options. Oh yeah that money gets taxed on the way out and the government is going to need a lot more from you in taxes soon https://usdebtclock.org/ (that will make your head spin)
It seems to me that people are racing to retirement like that is the end of the game. Is it? I can’t imagine retiring, maybe changing careers. (Not that I intend to, I would like to stay an insurance agent) but why stop working? I like to work, some days more than others granted, but I like it more than staying home.
A couple of years ago when I had knee surgery the doctor told me that I would have to stay home in bed for eight weeks. I was in shock and said “That’s not going to happen” He and my wife told me that it had to happen (zero weight on the knee) or I would screw up the surgery. I think I made it three or four days before I was able to create a plan to get out of bed, down the stairs, into my truck, and get to the office. My dumbass took a picture of myself at the office and got in trouble with Pamela! I like to work.
Is it just me? I can’t imagine being unemployed. I have worked at McDonald’s, I have been a Lyft driver, I have run behind garbage trucks, I have always been working. (Thank you Mom, she is the hardest working person I know and a great role model) No matter what job was available I would take it. Last year I read the whole Bible cover to cover, and not once did it mention retirement. There were several passages of parents taking care of children and then those children taking care of parents but nothing on retirement.
I am coming to the end of my rambling. I guess I am going to continue to be a child about this. I will keep putting a little away here and there. However, I am going to keep betting on myself, and if the SHTF you will see a 75-year-old me working at McDonald’s or Walmart or something.
I want to continue to experience the world, get up in the morning with purpose and be part of something bigger than just me racing to the end…retirement.
Life is today, right now, this moment. Don’t waste it. Experience something now don’t wait for tomorrow.
We Love Hawaii
“Would you visit a business that doesn’t have COVID restrictions?”
I was in a Facebook group where the questions were asked, “Would you visit a business that doesn’t have COVID restrictions?” I thought about it for a little while before I replied.
I wrote, “Yes I will. I can not choose how other people handle Covid, just how I handle it. I will continue to wear a face-covering to protect others from me (I have been vaccinated). I will still carry and use hand sanitizer. Even when this is all over if I have a cold or something I will practice the same things we are doing now.
But I am not going to stop visiting places just because they are going back to normal. We need to practice being safe with ourselves and stop expecting businesses and the government to do it for us. We got lucky this time, this could have been a whole lot deadlier. More faith in God and science.
A person responded back directly to me, “Daniel H Brewington God had nothing to do with this.”
At first, I was a little taken aback, and I wasn’t going to respond. However, after reading the person’s words over and over the following flowed from my fingers to the keyboard.
“(PERSON X) that is up to you; I think God had a role in this just as in everything in life. Just because you do not believe the same thing as I do does not mean it is wrong; it is just a difference of opinion.
Additionally, if you actually read my message, I said, ” More faith in God and Science,” which my meaning as the author is that we need more faith in both moving forward.
In regards to your comments, “God had nothing to do with this.” I believe God did. There was a whole lot of death that came from COVID, however, there was also a lot of good.
Many families became closer with each other and realized how important time together is. Many people learned new things, many people started new hobbies, and many people started going to church, albeit online they took the first steps.
To me, that is God’s hand working in ways we did not expect. Sometimes the answer is not always being able to go through the front door. Sometimes you have to go in through the roof Luke 5:17-26. God’s plan is much different than ours
🙂 Peace.”
Is it Me, or is this one of those Things We should all do for the Safety of Others?
The Weld County Department of Health and Environment announced it will not enforce Gov. Jared Polis’ mandate on mask-wearing.
I am all for citizen’s rights; I am not a fan of the Governor; however, I support this executive order 100%. Wearing a mask is about ME doing my DUTY to protect OTHERS and slow the spread of this virus until we can develop a vaccination and get back to some kind of normal. And I want to get back to normal ASAP. I miss SPORTS!!!
High School, College, Professional, I want baseball, football, volleyball, I want my sports back, and the only way to do it is to get COVID under control.
Yes, I know it is selfish of me to want to have other people wear masks so that we can get live sports back. God knows I am tired of watching marble racing (https://youtu.be/OoELkuqx8Ug), which is a little more exciting than repeats of sporting events that have been repeated over and over again on the various sports networks.
Our Weld County Department of Health and Environment needs to pay attention to the actual experts in health matters. “Health experts say the evidence is clear that masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that the more people wearing masks, the better.” (Mayo Clinic, UC Health, Stanford, Harvard, The CDC, and more than 100 national and international hospitals, clinics and Universities agree)
As scientists continue to learn daily more about the virus, overwhelming scientific evidence shows we need widespread mask usage—a meta-analysis of 172 studies found that mask-wearing significantly reduces the risk of infection.
A Goldman Sachs research team found that a face mask mandate would also create a “sizeable” economic benefit, potentially preventing the reinstatement of lock-downs.” Financial benefit, potentially preventing the reinstatement of lock-downs hmmm SOUNDS AWESOME where do I sign up?
Just by wearing a mask, we could help bring sports back, fewer lives will be lost, and we will help our economy? With all these pluses, I thought wearing a mask would be a no-brainer. Yes, we have individual citizen rights, but don’t we also have a DUTY to protect our town, county, state, and country?
By not wearing a mask in a public place where we can not maintain social distancing, we are putting so much at risk, for what? Just to say, ” Gov. Polis can’t tell me what to do, I know my rights? WAAAAH!” Do you think Gov. Polis is sitting in his office thinking, “How can I FORCE the people of Colorado to wear a mask just because I can?”
FYI, Executive Orders issued by state Governors are not the same as statutes passed by state legislatures but have the force of law, the same as in the federal system. State executive orders are based on existing constitutional or statutory powers of the Governor and do not require any action by the state legislature to take effect.
To the Weld County Department of Health and Environment, wake up! Let’s get with the program. It is your DUTY to keep our county SAFE! I do not see you doing that.
No one WANTS to wear a mask, but we have a DUTY as AMERICANS to PROTECT our country and one another. And let’s be frank if we all wear masks we will get sports back faster!!!